MTAB Sverige AB

certified logo
  • Elektronikhöjden 22 175 43 Järfälla (Stockholm)
  • +46 8 54 600 100
  • +46 8 54 600 101

President/Director MTAB Group

Simon Fors

  • +46 8 54600151

Museum Services

Jessica Åhlgren

Head of Fine Art and Conservation, Sweden

Elisabeth Geijer

Art Special Projects

Mikael Ekman

Gallery Services Coordinator

Christina Vestergren

Auction Houses

Johan Ranevall

Museum Services

Nadine Schweiger

Gallery Services

Malin Birgersson

sub branch


  • Lodgatan 19-23 211 24 Malmö

  • +46 31 7100 800

  • +46 40 18 38 00


  • Von Utfallsgatan 21 41505 Gothenburg

  • +46 31 7100 800

  • +46 31 58 31 32